WoW: Quickest Way to Max Enchanting 525-600

This guide can be used to help get Realm First or get all the new enchants before other people to make tons of gold in MoP.

150 Maelstrom Crystal = 90 Maelstrom Crystal + 90 Heavenly Shard
200 Spirit Dust = 60 Spirit Dust + 25 Mysterious Essence
~46 Enchanting Vellum.

Getting Ready:
1) Make sure that you are in a level 25 guild and you have 90 Maelstrom Crystal + 90 Heavenly Shards.
2) As soon as the servers come up run to Enchanting Trainer and learn Zen Master Enchanter.
3) Buy all the Spirit Dust from the auction house until you get 200. You could also buy all the green items but you will need about 70.

To save time spam the chat if you cannot find enough or are too expensive. Make sure to do it through the trade window and not mail.

1) 525-540 Enchant Chest - Peerless Stats x20-30
2) 540-550 Enchant Bracer - Major Dodge x2
3) 550-577 Enchant Chest - Superior Stamina x9
4) 577-597 Enchant Chest - Glorious Stats x4
5) 597-600 Enchant Off-Hand - Major Intellect x1


You will get about 3 Spirit Dust each Disenchant.

Upwards Conversion:

5 Spirit Dust = 1 Mysterious Essence - Mysterious Essence
5 Mysterious Essence = 1 Ethereal Shard - Ethereal Shard
5 Ethereal Shard = 1 Sha Crystal - Sha Crystal

Downwards Conversion

1 Sha Crystal = 2 Ethereal Shard - Sha Shatter
1 Ethereal Shard = 3 Mysterious Essence - Ethereal Shatter
1 Mysterious Essence = 3 Spirit Dust - Mysterious Diffusion


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