So here's a little trick with a list attached which will give you a small advantage in leveling when Cataclysm hit. It may be common sense for people who already played during expansion start, but may be not known by 'WotLK children'
Generally - now when you are level 80, all quests give you gold, instead of XP, but when lvl cap is increased this quests give you XP again, so what should you do? You have space in your Quest Log for 25 quests. You should check for the ones you haven't completed yet, which gives the biggest ammounts of XP, complete them, and wait for Cataclysm to hit, then you will turn them in. Many of high-reward quests are part of chains, so you probably will have to make more than 25 quests, but hey, what better to do, now when theres nearly no raiding and everybody's slacking waining for Cata?
So here's list by zone with best-reward quests you should consider with a short description. Note I considered only quests which gives you over 30k XP, as it's nearly as much as starting quests on Cataclysm gives. It means that you will be about 20 quests in front of others if you prepare this ones to turn in on the beggining of Cataclysm.
ATTTENTION!! IN patch 4.0.3a your quests may be all wiped, but then you can do them again! And it's conformed they will remain for cata, so this method will actually work!! None of this quests is removed in 4.0.3a so theres nothing to worry about
Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom
1. All Things in Good Time - Quest - World of Warcraft - Easy to obtain Daily Quest for Old Kingdom. You can get it just outside the entrance to dungeon. Can be completed only on heroic difficulty. Gives 33,100 XP.
2. Funky Fungi - Quest - World of Warcraft - Quest started by item Ooze-covered Fungus - Item - World of Warcraft. Gives you nice 42,300 XP!
3. The Faceless Ones - Quest - World of Warcraft - Yet another quest in Old Kingdom, also for 42,300 XP!
1. Death to the Traitor King - Quest - World of Warcraft / Don't Forget the Eggs! - Quest - World of Warcraft - 2 quests for Azjol-Nerub given by Kilix the Unraveler - NPC - World of Warcraft. Each rewards 41,500 XP.
Borean Tundra
1. Last Rites - Quest - World of Warcraft - quest with best XP in Borean Tundra, but Alliance only (:/). Last quest of the 4-part chain. Gives 30,450 XP.
2. The Assassination of Harold Lane - Quest - World of Warcraft - 2nd quest with best XP in borean. This time for both factions

3. Hellscream's Champion - Quest - World of Warcraft - Horde only. Rewards 30,150 XP.
4. Foolish Endeavors - Quest - World of Warcraft - Horde only. Even when this quest is 1st in 4-part chain it gives the highest reward, so you shouldn't bother with the next ones. Gives 30,150 XP.
5. The Emissary - Quest - World of Warcraft - Last quest of 3-part chain. Rewards 30,150 XP.
6. The Plains of Nasam - Quest - World of Warcraft - Horde only. 2nd quest in chain. Gives 30,150 XP.
Drak'Tharon Keep
1. Cleansing Drak'Tharon - Quest - World of Warcraft - Last quest in long chain to cleanse DTK. Rewards 31,450 XP and also counts towards Guru of Drakuru - Achievement - World of Warcraft.
2. Search and Rescue - Quest - World of Warcraft / Head Games - Quest - World of Warcraft - 2nd or 3rd quest in chain. Whichever you decide to do, you will be rewarded 41,500 XP.
1. The Battle For The Undercity - Quest - World of Warcraft - Horde only. (The Battle For The Undercity - Quest - World of Warcraft Alliance version - look even wowhead with its quest number says how leet it is!!) One of the best known chains in WotLK. If you havent do that yet do it! Not yet it's uber-epic, but also gives insane ammount of 41,500 XP!
2. The Key to the Focusing Iris - Quest - World of Warcraft - The best reward quest is from quest started by item dropped by Sapphiron in Naxx, but as you can now teleport directly to his chamber it shouldn't be long to obtain this one. Gives 33,100 XP.
3. Sarathstra, Scourge of the North - Quest - World of Warcraft - Horde only! 2nd quest in chain. Rewards 31,450 XP.
4. Wanton Warlord - Quest - World of Warcraft - Last quest in 5-quest chain. Gives 31,150 XP
5. Really Big Worm - Quest - World of Warcraft - No-chain quest for 31,150 XP.
6. That Which Creates Can Also Destroy - Quest - World of Warcraft - 2nd quest in 2-q chain. 31,150 XP.
7. The Missing Diplomat - Quest - World of Warcraft / Return To Angrathar - Quest - World of Warcraft - If you have completed wrathgate event you can still do this after-quests for nice 31,150 XP.
8. The Translated Tome - Quest - World of Warcraft - Horde only quest - 2nd in 2-q chain. 30,750 XP for this one.
9. The Truth Shall Set Us Free - Quest - World of Warcraft - Alliance only, 5th quest in a loong and booring chain, yet one with biggest reward. 30,450 XP.
Grizzly Hills
1. The Conquest Pit: Death Is Likely - Quest - World of Warcraft / The Conquest Pit: Final Showdown - Quest - World of Warcraft - horde only. 2 final quests in conquest Pit chain (if you have done 4th maybe you still have 5th undone? ;P). Both reward 31,450 XP.
2. Hour of the Worg - Quest - World of Warcraft - 31,450 XP for single quest.
3. Ursoc, the Bear God - Quest - World of Warcraft / Ursoc, the Bear God - Quest - World of Warcraft - Same quest for both Ally and Horde, worth 31,450 XP.
1. For Posterity - Quest - World of Warcraft - 2nd quest in 2-q chain. Gives 42,300 XP.
2. Gal'darah Must Pay - Quest - World of Warcraft - also 2nd q in 2-q chain. Same amount of XP - 42,300.
3. One of a Kind - Quest - World of Warcraft - Single quest for 42,300 XP.
Halls of Lightning
1. Diametrically Opposed - Quest - World of Warcraft - You need to have rep with Sons of Hordir to obtain this quest, as quest giver may be hostile otherwise ;P Worth 44,100 XP.
2. Whatever it Takes! - Quest - World of Warcraft - 2nd quest in 2-q chain. Requires reputation with Sons of Hodir. Rewards 44,100 XP.
Halls of Reflection
1. Wrath of the Lich King - Quest - World of Warcraft / Wrath of the Lich King - Quest - World of Warcraft - Both Alliance and horde version. Last quest in chain of going through all 3 ICC dungeons. Not only it rewards Justice Points, but also 44,100 XP.
Halls of Stone
1. Halls of Stone - Quest - World of Warcraft - Quest given by Brann upon 1st competition of HoS. Rewards 42,300 XP.
Howling Fjord
1. Return to Atuik - Quest - World of Warcraft - only worthy quest I've found in HF. You get this after completing Kalu'ak other quests. 30,150 XP.
Ok, so this is the location you can find most of quests worth taking into consideration ^^
1. Battle at Valhalas: The Return of Sigrid Iceborn - Quest - World of Warcraft / Battle at Valhalas: Carnage! - Quest - World of Warcraft / Battle at Valhalas: Fallen Heroes - Quest - World of Warcraft / Battle at Valhalas: Thane Deathblow - Quest - World of Warcraft / Battle at Valhalas: Final Challenge - Quest - World of Warcraft - You can do any of the Battle At Valhalas quests. All of them gives you 33,100 XP each!
2. The Fate of Bloodbane - Quest - World of Warcraft - Another group quest (but doing IC group quests as good geared lvl 80 isn't that hard!). 33,100 XP for this one.
3. Tirion's Gambit - Quest - World of Warcraft - Alliance only, last part of 6-quest long chain. 33,100 XP for it.
4. Tirion's Gambit - Quest - World of Warcraft - Horde version of the one up, with shorter pre-q^^ Same XP - 33,100.
5. The Air Stands Still - Quest - World of Warcraft - 32,700 for this one. Little less than the rest, but still worth it!
6. No Rest For The Wicked - Quest - World of Warcraft / No Rest For The Wicked - Quest - World of Warcraft - Ally and horde version. 2nd quest in 2-q chain. 33,100 XP.
7. The Last Line Of Defense - Quest - World of Warcraft - Last quest in 4-q long chain. 32,400 XP.
8. Coprous the Defiled - Quest - World of Warcraft - Ally only, single quest, gives 33,100 XP.
9. Neutralizing the Plague - Quest - World of Warcraft / Neutralizing the Plague - Quest - World of Warcraft - Daily group for both sides. That means you will surely be able to do it, and its worth 31,100 XP.
10. No Rest For The Wicked - Quest - World of Warcraft / No Rest For The Wicked - Quest - World of Warcraft - same as above. Daily for 33,100 XP.
11. Banshee's Revenge - Quest - World of Warcraft - If you're before Battle At Valhalas, you can stop on this quest in pre-chain. It also gives 33,100 XP.
12. Light Within the Darkness - Quest - World of Warcraft - both sides. 33,100 XP worth.
13. The Crusaders' Pinnacle - Quest - World of Warcraft - Last part of 3-quest chain. 32,700 XP.
14. A Victory For The Silver Covenant - Quest - World of Warcraft / A Victory For The Sunreavers - Quest - World of Warcraft - If you are desperate enough you may drop / buy Battered hilt, and do this quest as well ;P 33,100 XP, but I'm not sure if it's worth the money ;P But if you're going for Achievment The Sword in the Skull - Achievement - World of Warcraft you may as well turn it in after 7th December

1. A Most Puzzling Circumstance - Quest - World of Warcraft / A Most Puzzling Circumstance - Quest - World of Warcraft - Quest from head of onyxia. If you have it, just wait with turning it in to Cata, as it's worth 33,100 XP.
Sholazar Basin
1. Reclamation - Quest - World of Warcraft - Last quest in chain at Avalanche Sourge invasion (it's 8 quest long). 32,400 XP for it.
2. A Hero's Burden - Quest - World of Warcraft - Oracle Quest, 32,100 XP.
3. It Could Be Anywhere! - Quest - World of Warcraft - I don't like this quest, as it's like hunting for a world drop ;P But if you'd like you can try it for 31,750 XP ;P
Eye of Eternity
1. Judgment at the Eye of Eternity - Quest - World of Warcraft - Quest to kill Malygos and retrieve item from him. Accessible only if you turned key in before. 33,100 XP.
Ruby Sanctum
1. The Twilight Destroyer - Quest - World of Warcraft - 3rd and last quest in chain. If you cannot manage to kill Hallion you can end at Assault on the Sanctum - Quest - World of Warcraft (34,900XP), but this one is worth insane 52,350 XP!
Storm Peaks
1. The Brothers Bronzebeard - Quest - World of Warcraft - Alliance only. 33,100 XP for this one.
2. The Iron Colossus - Quest - World of Warcraft - 3rd and last quest in chain. Worth 33,100 XP.
3. Whatever it Takes! - Quest - World of Warcraft - Nice quest to HoL for 44,100 XP! (You can also do pre-q to this one: The Reckoning - Quest - World of Warcraft for 33,100 XP).
1. Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings - Quest - World of Warcraft - If you're collecting Val'anyr consider turning it after Cata. Give 33,100 XP.
2. Archivum Data Disc - Quest - World of Warcraft / Heroic: Archivum Data Disc - Quest - World of Warcraft - Quests for key to Algalon. Both worth 33,100 XP.
Utgarde Pinnacle
1. Junk in My Trunk - Quest - World of Warcraft - Quest in UP both normal and heroic. Rewards 44,100 XP.
2. Vengeance Be Mine! - Quest - World of Warcraft - As same as above you can get this quest at entertrance to UP. also rewards 44,100 XP.
1. The Amphitheater of Anguish: Yggdras! - Quest - World of Warcraft / The Amphitheater of Anguish: Magnataur! - Quest - World of Warcraft / The Amphitheater of Anguish: From Beyond! - Quest - World of Warcraft / The Amphitheater of Anguish: Tuskarrmageddon! - Quest - World of Warcraft / The Amphitheater of Anguish: Korrak the Bloodrager! - Quest - World of Warcraft / The Champion of Anguish - Quest - World of Warcraft - Quest chain in Zul'Drak Arena. Each of fight quests gives 32,100 XP, and Champion gives 32,400. Best option is to end at Korrak and then receive reward from 2 last quests. Or even better grab friend or two and when Cata hit you can fast one-shot all opponents for total 192,900 XP!
Icecrown Citadel
1. Blood Quickening - Quest - World of Warcraft / Respite for a Tormented Soul - Quest - World of Warcraft / Respite for a Tormented Soul - Quest - World of Warcraft / Securing the Ramparts - Quest - World of Warcraft / Deprogramming - Quest - World of Warcraft - Each weekly quest in Icecrown citadel rewards you 44,100 XP! 'But when Cata hits I will have no reset and will not be able to turn quest in!' you say? You probably won't be raiding in 1st week of cata - for sure no ICC, you'll be leveling. So just do weekly in last reset before Cata, and then in Cata extend your raid lockout for next week, go and turn the quest in
2016-2-29 xiaozhengm
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This is all so good to know, might get deeper into it. Besides WOW, however, would anyone here recommend any good sword fighting RPGs like these?